Off the Record / Lukasz Sawicki
- Otto Taimela - Its Snowing Again [Mobile Suits]
- uon - J [West Mineral LTD]
- Emer - Sea Salt [Lillerne Tape Club]
- King Softy - Selobrate! [Electroménager]
- Pavel Milyakov & Lucas Dupuy - Deep Gtr [PSY X]
- Eden Aurelius - Plateau [co:clear]
- Flaty - IP-Elegy [Gost Zvuk]
- Pavel Milyakov & Yana Pavlova - Strong-willed [PSY X]
- Loidis - In The Place I Sit [anno]
- Otto Taimela - Falling Snow [Mobile Suits]
- Joachim Spieth - Recall [Affin LTD]
- OK EG & Priori - Serpentine 3 [NAFF]
- Midnight Star - Midas Touch (Hell Interface remix) [self-released]
- Dialog - Child Was I (feat. Benji) [Dialog DOT Records]
- Vegyn - Mystery or Misery? [self-released]
- naemi - Ambrosia w/ NAP [3XL]
- Joy Orbison & Joe James - bastard [XL Recordings]
- Dialog - Better Way (feat. Benji) [Dialog DOT Records]
- Aleksi Perälä - FI3AC2511905 [self-released]
- Shinichi Atobe - SA DUB 7 [DDS]
- Juls, Hagan - Nshonna Riddim [self-released]
- ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლ - ؞ؙؖ⁽⁾اv)) ̷̨ʅv؞ؙؖ⁽⁾ا [self-released]
- Bruce - Mimicry [Poorly Knit]
- Nic Jalusi - Affirmation Dub [Slam City Jams]
- AceMo - DNA 2 [self-released]
- G.F.X. - Eternal (Mix 1) [Radge Records]