Off the Record / Lukasz Sawicki
- Further - The Trip [North South]
- Fluke - Bermuda [Circa]
- Sven Van Hees - Tabla Rasa [Global Cuts]
- Sounds From The Ground - Drugstore [Upstream]
- Hybrid Man - Swept By The Undertow [Wax'o Paradiso]
- Global Communication - Maiden Voyage (Brook Mix) [Dedicated]
- The Irresistible Force - Nepalese Bliss [Ninja Tune]
- Dregs - Swampy [Purely Physical Teeny Tapes]
- Sanguine - To Rot [Moonshoe Records]
- James K - Blinkmoth (July Mix) [AD 93]
- JFC - Driftwood [Elektrolux]
- Layo & Bushwacka! - Sleepy Language [XL Recordings]
- The Starseeds - Heavensairportcoffeeshoprestaurant [Millennium]
- Naemi featuring Arad Acid & Huerco S. - Couch Angel [3XL]
- Hybrid Man - Eternal Nightglow [Wax'o Paradiso]
- Karamika - Ton 06 [ESP Institute]
- Darkstar - Wolf (John Talabot's Materia Dub) [Warp]
- DJ Relax - Prototrek [100 Fold]
- Aural Float - Session 5 [Elektrolux]
- In Trance 95 - Warm Nights Driving On Wet Streets [Elfish]