
Heikki Lindgren, Jukka Andersson, Jarkko Lahti



  1. Pneumatic Tubes – Mumbly-Peg
  2. Belbury Poly – The Willows
  3. Advisory Circle – Osprey
  4. Maarja Njut – Vaheala Valgus_I Hear Behind The Moon
  5. HIA – Song of the Machine
  6. Jogging House – Host
  7. Eluvium – Virga I
  8. Suso Sáiz – When I sleep
  9. Suso Sáiz – Resonance Necklace
  10. Tomas Niesner – Soutok
  11. Taylor Deupree – Too Close To Being Far Away From Everything
  12. Nest – Amroth
  13. Nest – Amroth Brambles Version
  14. Grzegorz Bojanek – Unstable Reality
  15. Conrad Praetzel – Adventures Into Somethingness
  16. Hidden Rivers – Night Hammer
  17. Meitei – Sūki